
Avoiding Conversion Therapy Mistakes of the Past - Another Conversation with Debra Baty

Our society has been going through a long revision of how we understand identity, sexuality, and transformation to work. It is notoriously hard for one to facilitate one’s own transformation on any number of fronts. Self control is a supernatural fruit of the spirit.

In this conversation, Debra picks up where she left off after the conversation we had a couple weeks ago. You should watch that one if you haven’t already so that you can know her background.

You should also read the article that spurred this conversation, as it lays the groundwork for the thought around how it is that Christians can lovingly help in the lives of people dealing with unwanted sexual feelings.

As I said last time, these aren’t issues that the church can afford to ignore or avoid. We need to equip ourselves to articulate the Christian faith and the vision for the good life in this life, especially when our notion of the good life flies in the face of the vision the world offers.

Link to article - https://firebrandmag.com/articles/sexual-fluidity-and-the-wesleyan-doctrine-of-entire-sanctification-part-2-ministry-past-present-and-future?