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Global Methodist Catechism - Question 1

"Do you believe in God?"

Let’s start at the very beginning.

When considering a body of work, the beginning really is often the best place to start. While each question surely has gems to offer, when intending to consider a whole work, then one might as well start at the most basic place.

I find this approach frustrating, as I want to get to the meat of the matter. Yet there is no meat without drinking milk first. And adult doctrine is built upon basic foundational concepts. For instance: Do Global Methodists believe in God?

Yes. Absolutely. The answer to this question renders, not just a strong affirmative, but some descriptions of God’s character. The scriptural citations not only buttress these claims, but also point to some implications that God’s character has on us as his people.

Susanna and I think you for tolerating us in each of our peculiar selves. We very much enjoy one another and the topic at hand. We hope that shines through despite any other faults one might notice. We, more importantly, hope that this is a significant blessing to you in your walk with the Lord.

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