
Sola Scriptura is Still Quite Correct - A Conversation with Ben Witherington, III

Rev. Dr. Ben Witherington has recently published a book on the historic notion of sola scriptura, which was a central contention of the Protestant Reformation. Though, as he reveals, its roots actually go back further than that. Witherington is eminently qualified in this subject as one who has been publishing on biblical interpretation since the 1980s.


In this segment, we discuss the history of biblical interpretation, starting with the early church, also visiting the Methodist Revival. We speak to the present moment and the challenge of contemporary covenant bodies in adopting a right lens through which we read the scriptures.

"Sola Scriptura: Scripture's Final Authority in the Modern World" - https://a.co/d/2MM86aT
Dr. Witherington's Website - https://www.benw3.com
Dr. Witherington's Patheos - https://www.patheos.com/blogs/bibleandculture/