Tyson is a Heartland Conference friend who has served on a couple different levels of the Global Methodist structure. He is actually part of the Global Episcopacy Committee, which recently announced the assigned conferences for each of our eight bishops. He has also faithfully led his church through disaffiliation from the UMC and into their current greener pastures.
He works for a nuclear power plant, and he promotes a couple of transformational ministries in his context. In this conversation, I get the story of his church leaving the UMC, the play-by-play of how his committee accomplished the daunting task of managing these bishops, and I learned some about these ministries that have been so transformative in his life.
Tyson is a great representative of what lay leadership should look like. I hope many people receive encouragement from him.
Tyson's Church - https://ebenezeratolpe.org/, https://www.facebook.com/EbenezeratOlpe, & https://www.youtube.com/@ebenezerchurch9598
Feed Christ’s Lambs - https://www.feedchristslambs.org/, https://www.facebook.com/FeedChristsLambs, & https://www.youtube.com/@feedchristslambs8261
Encounter the Cross - https://www.encounterthecross.com/
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