
The New Birth, Sanctification, & Inculcation in Seminaries - A Conversation with Christopher Lohrstorfer

Rev. Dr. Chris Lohrstorfer is a man who wears many hats. The initial reason I reached out to him was because he is a professor at Wesley Biblical Seminary, and I want to learn more about their environment. I have spoken with folks at United Theological Seminary, Asbury Theological Seminary, and Mid America Christian University. I hope to, over time, be able to help students discern which higher educational institutions might be a good fit for them.

We had a really balanced conversation on the role that classical Methodist doctrine needs to play in the present moment. Chris is a pastor and professor, mentor and thinker. I knew almost nothing about him before we visited. I was delighted at the conversation we had.

Link to his book - "Learning to Breathe: Mastering the Art of Spiritual Respiration" - https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Breathe-Mastering-Spiritual-Respiration